Source code for suite2p.detection.sourcery

import math
import time

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import filters
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb

from .stats import fitMVGaus
from .utils import temporal_high_pass_filter, standard_deviation_over_time

[docs]def getSVDdata(mov: np.ndarray, ops): mov = temporal_high_pass_filter(mov, width=int(ops["high_pass"])) ops["max_proj"] = mov.max(axis=0) nbins, Lyc, Lxc = np.shape(mov) sig = ops["diameter"] / 10. # PICK UP for j in range(nbins): mov[j, :, :] = gaussian_filter(mov[j, :, :], sig) # compute noise variance across frames sdmov = standard_deviation_over_time(mov, batch_size=ops["batch_size"]) mov /= sdmov mov = np.reshape(mov, (-1, Lyc * Lxc)) # compute covariance of binned frames cov = mov @ mov.transpose() / mov.shape[1] cov = cov.astype("float32") nsvd_for_roi = min(ops["nbinned"], int(cov.shape[0] / 2)) u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(cov) u = u[:, :nsvd_for_roi] U = u.transpose() @ mov U = np.reshape(U, (-1, Lyc, Lxc)) U = np.transpose(U, (1, 2, 0)).copy() return ops, U, sdmov, u
[docs]def getSVDproj(mov: np.ndarray, ops, u): mov = temporal_high_pass_filter(mov, int(ops["high_pass"])) nbins, Lyc, Lxc = np.shape(mov) if ("smooth_masks" in ops) and ops["smooth_masks"]: sig = np.maximum([.5, .5], ops["diameter"] / 20.) for j in range(nbins): mov[j, :, :] = gaussian_filter(mov[j, :, :], sig) if 1: sdmov = standard_deviation_over_time(mov, batch_size=ops["batch_size"]) mov /= sdmov mov = np.reshape(mov, (-1, Lyc * Lxc)) U = u.transpose() @ mov U = U.transpose().copy().reshape((Lyc, Lxc, -1)) else: U = np.transpose(mov, (1, 2, 0)).copy() return U, sdmov
[docs]def getStU(ops, U): Lyc, Lxc, nbins = np.shape(U) S = create_neuropil_basis(ops, Lyc, Lxc) # compute covariance of neuropil masks with spatial masks StU = S.reshape((Lyc * Lxc, -1)).transpose() @ U.reshape((Lyc * Lxc, -1)) StS = S.reshape((Lyc * Lxc, -1)).transpose() @ S.reshape((Lyc * Lxc, -1)) #U = np.reshape(U, (-1,Lyc,Lxc)) return S, StU, StS
[docs]def drawClusters(stat, ops): Ly = ops["Lyc"] Lx = ops["Lxc"] ncells = len(stat) r = np.random.random((ncells,)) iclust = -1 * np.ones((Ly, Lx), np.int32) Lam = np.zeros((Ly, Lx)) H = np.zeros((Ly, Lx, 1)) for n in range(ncells): isingle = Lam[stat[n]["ypix"], stat[n]["xpix"]] + 1e-4 < stat[n]["lam"] y = stat[n]["ypix"][isingle] x = stat[n]["xpix"][isingle] Lam[y, x] = stat[n]["lam"][isingle] #iclust[ypix,xpix] = n*np.ones(ypix.shape) H[y, x, 0] = r[n] * np.ones(y.shape) S = np.ones((Ly, Lx, 1)) V = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(1, 0.75 * Lam / Lam[Lam > 1e-10].mean())) V = np.expand_dims(V, axis=2) hsv = np.concatenate((H, S, V), axis=2) rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv) return rgb
[docs]def create_neuropil_basis(ops, Ly, Lx): """ computes neuropil basis functions Parameters ---------- ops: ratio_neuropil, tile_factor, diameter, neuropil_type Ly: int Lx: int Returns ------- S: basis functions (pixels x nbasis functions) """ if "ratio_neuropil" in ops: ratio_neuropil = ops["ratio_neuropil"] else: ratio_neuropil = 6. if "tile_factor" in ops: tile_factor = ops["tile_factor"] else: tile_factor = 1. diameter = ops["diameter"] ntilesY = 1 + 2 * int( np.ceil(tile_factor * Ly / (ratio_neuropil * diameter[0] / 2)) / 2) ntilesX = 1 + 2 * int( np.ceil(tile_factor * Lx / (ratio_neuropil * diameter[1] / 2)) / 2) ntilesY = np.maximum(2, ntilesY) ntilesX = np.maximum(2, ntilesX) yc = np.linspace(1, Ly, ntilesY) xc = np.linspace(1, Lx, ntilesX) ys = np.arange(0, Ly) xs = np.arange(0, Lx) Kx = np.ones((Lx, ntilesX), "float32") Ky = np.ones((Ly, ntilesY), "float32") if 1: # basis functions are fourier modes for k in range(int((ntilesX - 1) / 2)): Kx[:, 2 * k + 1] = np.sin(2 * math.pi * (xs + 0.5) * (1 + k) / Lx) Kx[:, 2 * k + 2] = np.cos(2 * math.pi * (xs + 0.5) * (1 + k) / Lx) for k in range(int((ntilesY - 1) / 2)): Ky[:, 2 * k + 1] = np.sin(2 * math.pi * (ys + 0.5) * (1 + k) / Ly) Ky[:, 2 * k + 2] = np.cos(2 * math.pi * (ys + 0.5) * (1 + k) / Ly) else: for k in range(ntilesX): Kx[:, k] = np.cos(math.pi * (xs + 0.5) * k / Lx) for k in range(ntilesY): Ky[:, k] = np.cos(math.pi * (ys + 0.5) * k / Ly) S = np.zeros((ntilesY, ntilesX, Ly, Lx), np.float32) for kx in range(ntilesX): for ky in range(ntilesY): S[ky, kx, :, :] = np.outer(Ky[:, ky], Kx[:, kx]) S = np.reshape(S, (ntilesY * ntilesX, Ly * Lx)) S = S / np.reshape(np.sum(S**2, axis=-1)**0.5, (-1, 1)) S = np.transpose(S, (1, 0)).copy() S = np.reshape(S, (Ly, Lx, -1)) return S
[docs]def circleMask(d0): """ creates array with indices which are the radius of that x,y point Parameters ---------- d0 (patch of (-d0,d0+1) over which radius computed Returns ------- rs: array (2*d0+1,2*d0+1) of radii dx: indices in rs where the radius is less than d0 dy: indices in rs where the radius is less than d0 """ dx = np.tile(np.arange(-d0[1], d0[1] + 1) / d0[1], (2 * d0[0] + 1, 1)) dy = np.tile(np.arange(-d0[0], d0[0] + 1) / d0[0], (2 * d0[1] + 1, 1)) dy = dy.transpose() rs = (dy**2 + dx**2)**0.5 dx = dx[rs <= 1.] dy = dy[rs <= 1.] return rs, dx, dy
[docs]def morphOpen(V, footprint): """ computes the morphological opening of V (correlation map) with circular footprint""" vrem = filters.minimum_filter(V, footprint=footprint) vrem = -filters.minimum_filter(-vrem, footprint=footprint) return vrem
[docs]def localMax(V, footprint, thres): """ find local maxima of V (correlation map) using a filter with (usually circular) footprint Parameters ---------- V footprint thres Returns ------- i,j: indices of local max greater than thres """ maxV = filters.maximum_filter(V, footprint=footprint, mode="reflect") imax = V > np.maximum(thres, maxV - 1e-10) i, j = imax.nonzero() i = i.astype(np.int32) j = j.astype(np.int32) return i, j
[docs]def localRegion(i, j, dy, dx, Ly, Lx): """ returns valid indices of local region surrounding (i,j) of size (dy.size, dx.size)""" xc = dx + j yc = dy + i goodi = (xc >= 0) & (xc < Lx) & (yc >= 0) & (yc < Ly) xc = xc[goodi] yc = yc[goodi] yc = yc.astype(np.int32) xc = xc.astype(np.int32) return yc, xc, goodi
[docs]def pairwiseDistance(y, x): dists = ((np.expand_dims(y, axis=-1) - np.expand_dims(y, axis=0))**2 + (np.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) - np.expand_dims(x, axis=0))**2)**0.5 return dists
[docs]def r_squared(yp, xp, ypix, xpix, diam_y, diam_x, estimator=np.median): return np.sqrt(((yp - estimator(ypix)) / diam_y)**2 + (((xp - estimator(xpix)) / diam_x)**2))
# this function needs to be updated with the new stat
[docs]def get_stat(ops, stats, Ucell, codes, frac=0.5): """ computes statistics of cells found using sourcery Parameters ---------- Ly Lx d0 mPix: (pixels,ncells) mLam: (weights,ncells) codes: (ncells,nsvd) Ucell: (nsvd,Ly,Lx) Returns ------- stat assigned to stat: ipix, ypix, xpix, med, npix, lam, footprint, compact, aspect_ratio, ellipse """ d0, Ly, Lx = ops["diameter"], ops["Lyc"], ops["Lxc"] rs, dy, dx = circleMask(d0) rsort = np.sort(rs.flatten()) # Remove empty cells stats = [stat for stat in stats if len(stat["ypix"]) != 0] footprints = np.zeros(len(stats)) for k, (stat, code) in enumerate(zip(stats, codes)): ypix, xpix, lam = stat["ypix"], stat["xpix"], stat["lam"] # compute footprint of ROI yp, xp = extendROI(ypix, xpix, Ly, Lx, int(np.mean(d0))) # compute compactness of ROI rs = r_squared(yp=yp, xp=xp, ypix=ypix, xpix=xpix, diam_y=d0[0], diam_x=d0[1]) stat["mrs"] = np.mean(rs) stat["mrs0"] = np.mean(rsort[:ypix.size]) stat["compact"] = stat["mrs"] / (1e-10 + stat["mrs0"]) stat["med"] = [np.median(stat["ypix"]), np.median(stat["xpix"])] stat["npix"] = xpix.size if "radius" not in stat: ry, rx = fitMVGaus(ypix, xpix, lam, dy=d0[0], dx=d0[1], thres=2).radii stat["radius"] = ry * d0.mean() stat["aspect_ratio"] = 2 * ry / (.01 + ry + rx) proj = (Ucell[yp, xp, :] @ np.expand_dims(code, axis=1)).flatten() footprints[k] = np.nanmean(rs[proj > proj.max() * frac]) mfoot = np.nanmedian(footprints) for stat, footprint in zip(stats, footprints): stat["footprint"] = footprint / mfoot if not np.isnan(footprint) else 0 npix = np.array([stat["npix"] for stat in stats], dtype="float32") npix /= np.mean(npix[:100]) for stat, npix0 in zip(stats, npix): stat["npix_norm"] = npix0 return stats
[docs]def getVmap(Ucell, sig): us = gaussian_filter(Ucell, [sig[0], sig[1], 0.], mode="wrap") # compute log variance at each location log_variances = (us**2).mean(axis=-1) / gaussian_filter( (Ucell**2).mean(axis=-1), sig, mode="wrap") return log_variances.astype("float64"), us
[docs]def sub2ind(array_shape, rows, cols): return rows * array_shape[1] + cols
[docs]def minDistance(inputs): y1, x1, y2, x2 = inputs ds = (y1 - np.expand_dims(y2, axis=1))**2 + (x1 - np.expand_dims(x2, axis=1))**2 return np.amin(ds)**.5
[docs]def get_connected(Ly, Lx, stat): """grow i0 until it cannot grow any more """ ypix, xpix, lam = stat["ypix"], stat["xpix"], stat["lam"] i0 = np.argmax(lam) mask = np.zeros((Ly, Lx)) mask[ypix, xpix] = lam ypix, xpix = ypix[i0], xpix[i0] nsel = 1 while 1: ypix, xpix = extendROI(ypix, xpix, Ly, Lx) ix = mask[ypix, xpix] > 1e-10 ypix, xpix = ypix[ix], xpix[ix] if len(ypix) <= nsel: break nsel = len(ypix) lam = mask[ypix, xpix] stat["ypix"], stat["xpix"], stat["lam"] = ypix, xpix, lam return stat
[docs]def connected_region(stat, ops): if ("connected" not in ops) or ops["connected"]: for j in range(len(stat)): stat[j] = get_connected(ops["Lyc"], ops["Lxc"], stat[j]) return stat
[docs]def extendROI(ypix, xpix, Ly, Lx, niter=1): for k in range(niter): yx = ((ypix, ypix, ypix, ypix - 1, ypix + 1), (xpix, xpix + 1, xpix - 1, xpix, xpix)) yx = np.array(yx) yx = yx.reshape((2, -1)) yu = np.unique(yx, axis=1) ix = np.all((yu[0] >= 0, yu[0] < Ly, yu[1] >= 0, yu[1] < Lx), axis=0) ypix, xpix = yu[:, ix] return ypix, xpix
[docs]def iter_extend(ypix, xpix, Ucell, code, refine=-1, change_codes=False): Lyc, Lxc, nsvd = Ucell.shape npix = 0 iter = 0 while npix < 10000: npix = ypix.size ypix, xpix = extendROI(ypix, xpix, Lyc, Lxc, 1) usub = Ucell[ypix, xpix, :] lam = usub @ np.expand_dims(code, axis=1) lam = np.squeeze(lam, axis=1) # ix = lam>max(0, np.mean(lam)/3) ix = lam > max(0, lam.max() / 5.0) if ix.sum() == 0: break ypix, xpix, lam = ypix[ix], xpix[ix], lam[ix] lam = lam / np.sum(lam**2 + 1e-10)**.5 if refine < 0 and change_codes: code = lam @ usub[ix, :] if iter == 0: sgn = 1. #sgn = np.sign(ix.sum()-npix) if np.sign(sgn * (ix.sum() - npix)) <= 0: break else: npix = ypix.size iter += 1 return ypix, xpix, lam, ix, code
[docs]def sourcery(mov: np.ndarray, ops): change_codes = True i0 = time.time() if isinstance(ops["diameter"], int): ops["diameter"] = [ops["diameter"], ops["diameter"]] ops["diameter"] = np.array(ops["diameter"]) ops["spatscale_pix"] = ops["diameter"][1] ops["aspect"] = ops["diameter"][0] / ops["diameter"][1] ops, U, sdmov, u = getSVDdata(mov=mov, ops=ops) # get SVD components S, StU, StS = getStU(ops, U) Lyc, Lxc, nsvd = U.shape ops["Lyc"] = Lyc ops["Lxc"] = Lxc d0 = ops["diameter"] sig = np.ceil(d0 / 4) # smoothing constant # make array of radii values of size (2*d0+1,2*d0+1) rs, dy, dx = circleMask(d0) nsvd = U.shape[-1] nbasis = S.shape[-1] codes = np.zeros((0, nsvd), np.float32) LtU = np.zeros((0, nsvd), np.float32) LtS = np.zeros((0, nbasis), np.float32) L = np.zeros((Lyc, Lxc, 0), np.float32) # regress maps onto basis functions and subtract neuropil contribution neu = np.linalg.solve(StS, StU).astype("float32") Ucell = U - (S.reshape((-1, nbasis)) @ neu).reshape(U.shape) it = 0 ncells = 0 refine = -1 # initialize ypix, xpix, lam = [], [], [] while 1: if refine < 0: V, us = getVmap(Ucell, sig) if it == 0: vrem = morphOpen(V, rs <= 1.) V = V - vrem # make V more uniform if it == 0: V = V.astype("float64") # find indices of all maxima in +/- 1 range maxV = filters.maximum_filter(V, footprint=np.ones((3, 3)), mode="reflect") imax = V > (maxV - 1e-10) peaks = V[imax] # use the median of these peaks to decide if ROI is accepted thres = ops["threshold_scaling"] * np.median(peaks[peaks > 1e-4]) ops["Vcorr"] = V V = np.minimum(V, ops["Vcorr"]) # add extra ROIs here n = ncells while n < ncells + 200: ind = np.argmax(V) i, j = np.unravel_index(ind, V.shape) if V[i, j] < thres: break yp, xp, la, ix, code = iter_extend(i, j, Ucell, us[i, j, :], change_codes=change_codes) codes = np.append(codes, np.expand_dims(code, axis=0), axis=0) ypix.append(yp) xpix.append(xp) lam.append(la) Ucell[ypix[n], xpix[n], :] -= np.outer(lam[n], codes[n, :]) yp, xp = extendROI(yp, xp, Lyc, Lxc, int(np.mean(d0))) V[yp, xp] = 0 n += 1 newcells = len(ypix) - ncells if it == 0: Nfirst = newcells L = np.append(L, np.zeros((Lyc, Lxc, newcells), "float32"), axis=-1) LtU = np.append(LtU, np.zeros((newcells, nsvd), "float32"), axis=0) LtS = np.append(LtS, np.zeros((newcells, nbasis), "float32"), axis=0) for n in range(ncells, len(ypix)): L[ypix[n], xpix[n], n] = lam[n] LtU[n, :] = lam[n] @ U[ypix[n], xpix[n], :] LtS[n, :] = lam[n] @ S[ypix[n], xpix[n], :] ncells += newcells # regression with neuropil LtL = L.reshape((-1, ncells)).transpose() @ L.reshape((-1, ncells)) cellcode = np.concatenate((LtL, LtS), axis=1) neucode = np.concatenate((LtS.transpose(), StS), axis=1) codes = np.concatenate((cellcode, neucode), axis=0) Ucode = np.concatenate((LtU, StU), axis=0) codes = np.linalg.solve(codes + 1e-3 * np.eye((codes.shape[0])), Ucode).astype("float32") neu = codes[ncells:, :] codes = codes[:ncells, :] Ucell = U - (S.reshape((-1, nbasis)) @ neu + L.reshape( (-1, ncells)) @ codes).reshape(U.shape) # reestimate masks n, k = 0, 0 while n < len(ypix): Ucell[ypix[n], xpix[n], :] += np.outer(lam[n], codes[k, :]) ypix[n], xpix[n], lam[n], ix, codes[n, :] = iter_extend( ypix[n], xpix[n], Ucell, codes[k, :], refine, change_codes=change_codes) k += 1 if ix.sum() == 0: print("dropped ROI with no pixels") del ypix[n], xpix[n], lam[n] continue Ucell[ypix[n], xpix[n], :] -= np.outer(lam[n], codes[n, :]) n += 1 codes = codes[:n, :] ncells = len(ypix) L = np.zeros((Lyc, Lxc, ncells), "float32") LtU = np.zeros((ncells, nsvd), "float32") LtS = np.zeros((ncells, nbasis), "float32") for n in range(ncells): L[ypix[n], xpix[n], n] = lam[n] if refine < 0: LtU[n, :] = lam[n] @ U[ypix[n], xpix[n], :] LtS[n, :] = lam[n] @ S[ypix[n], xpix[n], :] err = (Ucell**2).mean() print("ROIs: %d, cost: %2.4f, time: %2.4f" % (ncells, err, time.time() - i0)) it += 1 if refine == 0: break if refine == 2: # good place to get connected regions stat = [{ "ypix": ypix[n], "lam": lam[n], "xpix": xpix[n] } for n in range(ncells)] stat = connected_region(stat, ops) # good place to remove ROIs that overlap, change ncells, codes, ypix, xpix, lam, L #stat, ix = remove_overlaps(stat, ops, Lyc, Lxc) #print("removed %d overlapping ROIs"%(len(ypix)-len(ix))) ypix = [stat[n]["ypix"] for n in range(len(stat))] xpix = [stat[n]["xpix"] for n in range(len(stat))] lam = [stat[n]["lam"] for n in range(len(stat))] #L = L[:,:,ix] #codes = codes[ix, :] ncells = len(ypix) if refine > 0: Ucell = Ucell + (S.reshape((-1, nbasis)) @ neu).reshape(U.shape) if refine < 0 and (newcells < Nfirst / 10 or it == ops["max_iterations"]): refine = 3 U, sdmov = getSVDproj(mov, ops, u) Ucell = U if refine >= 0: StU = S.reshape((Lyc * Lxc, -1)).transpose() @ Ucell.reshape( (Lyc * Lxc, -1)) #StU = np.reshape(S, (Lyc*Lxc,-1)).transpose() @ np.reshape(Ucell, (Lyc*Lxc, -1)) neu = np.linalg.solve(StS, StU).astype("float32") refine -= 1 Ucell = U - (S.reshape((-1, nbasis)) @ neu).reshape(U.shape) sdmov = np.reshape(sdmov, (Lyc, Lxc)) ops["sdmov"] = sdmov stat = [{ "ypix": ypix[n], "lam": lam[n] * sdmov[ypix[n], xpix[n]], "xpix": xpix[n] } for n in range(ncells)] stat = postprocess(ops, stat, Ucell, codes) return ops, stat
[docs]def postprocess(ops, stat, Ucell, codes): # this is a good place to merge ROIs #mPix, mLam, codes = mergeROIs(ops, Lyc,Lxc,d0,mPix,mLam,codes,Ucell) stat = connected_region(stat, ops) stat = get_stat(ops, stat, Ucell, codes) stat = np.array(stat) return stat