Spike deconvolution

Our spike deconvolution in the pipeline is based on the OASIS algorithm (see OASIS paper). We run it with only a non-negativity constraint - no L0/L1 constraints (see this paper for more details on why).

We first baseline the traces using the rolling max of the rolling min. Here is an example of how the pipeline processes the traces (and how to run your own data separately if you want):

# compute deconvolution
from suite2p.extraction import dcnv
import numpy as np

tau = 1.0 # timescale of indicator
fs = 30.0 # sampling rate in Hz
neucoeff = 0.7 # neuropil coefficient
# for computing and subtracting baseline
baseline = 'maximin' # take the running max of the running min after smoothing with gaussian
sig_baseline = 10.0 # in bins, standard deviation of gaussian with which to smooth
win_baseline = 60.0 # in seconds, window in which to compute max/min filters

ops = {'tau': tau, 'fs': fs, 'neucoeff': neucoeff,
       'baseline': baseline, 'sig_baseline': sig_baseline, 'win_baseline': win_baseline}

# load traces and subtract neuropil
F = np.load('F.npy')
Fneu = np.load('Fneu.npy')
Fc = F - ops['neucoeff'] * Fneu

# baseline operation
Fc = dcnv.preprocess(

# get spikes
spks = dcnv.oasis(F=Fc, batch_size=ops['batch_size'], tau=ops['tau'], fs=ops['fs'])