Source code for suite2p.detection.chan2detect

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from ..extraction import masks
from . import utils
identify cells with channel 2 brightness (aka red cells)

main function is detect
takes from ops: "meanImg", "meanImg_chan2", "Ly", "Lx"
takes from stat: "ypix", "xpix", "lam"

[docs]def quadrant_mask(Ly, Lx, ny, nx, sT): mask = np.zeros((Ly, Lx), np.float32) mask[np.ix_(ny, nx)] = 1 mask = gaussian_filter(mask, sT) return mask
[docs]def correct_bleedthrough(Ly, Lx, nblks, mimg, mimg2): # subtract bleedthrough of green into red channel # non-rigid regression with nblks x nblks pieces sT = np.round((Ly + Lx) / (nblks * 2) * 0.25) mask = np.zeros((Ly, Lx, nblks, nblks), np.float32) weights = np.zeros((nblks, nblks), np.float32) yb = np.linspace(0, Ly, nblks + 1).astype(int) xb = np.linspace(0, Lx, nblks + 1).astype(int) for iy in range(nblks): for ix in range(nblks): ny = np.arange(yb[iy], yb[iy + 1]).astype(int) nx = np.arange(xb[ix], xb[ix + 1]).astype(int) mask[:, :, iy, ix] = quadrant_mask(Ly, Lx, ny, nx, sT) x = mimg[np.ix_(ny, nx)].flatten() x2 = mimg2[np.ix_(ny, nx)].flatten() # predict chan2 from chan1 a = (x * x2).sum() / (x * x).sum() weights[iy, ix] = a mask /= mask.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] mask *= weights mask *= mimg[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] mimg2 -= mask.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) mimg2 = np.maximum(0, mimg2) return mimg2
[docs]def intensity_ratio(ops, stats): """ compute pixels in cell and in area around cell (including overlaps) (exclude pixels from other cells) """ Ly, Lx = ops["Ly"], ops["Lx"] cell_pix = masks.create_cell_pix(stats, Ly=ops["Ly"], Lx=ops["Lx"]) cell_masks0 = [ masks.create_cell_mask(stat, Ly=ops["Ly"], Lx=ops["Lx"], allow_overlap=ops["allow_overlap"]) for stat in stats ] neuropil_ipix = masks.create_neuropil_masks( ypixs=[stat["ypix"] for stat in stats], xpixs=[stat["xpix"] for stat in stats], cell_pix=cell_pix, inner_neuropil_radius=ops["inner_neuropil_radius"], min_neuropil_pixels=ops["min_neuropil_pixels"], ) cell_masks = np.zeros((len(stats), Ly * Lx), np.float32) neuropil_masks = np.zeros((len(stats), Ly * Lx), np.float32) for cell_mask, cell_mask0, neuropil_mask, neuropil_mask0 in zip( cell_masks, cell_masks0, neuropil_masks, neuropil_ipix): cell_mask[cell_mask0[0]] = cell_mask0[1] neuropil_mask[neuropil_mask0.astype(np.int64)] = 1. / len(neuropil_mask0) mimg2 = ops["meanImg_chan2"] inpix = cell_masks @ mimg2.flatten() extpix = neuropil_masks @ mimg2.flatten() inpix = np.maximum(1e-3, inpix) redprob = inpix / (inpix + extpix) redcell = redprob > ops["chan2_thres"] return np.stack((redcell, redprob), axis=-1)
[docs]def cellpose_overlap(stats, mimg2): from . import anatomical masks = anatomical.roi_detect(mimg2)[0] Ly, Lx = masks.shape redstats = np.zeros((len(stats), 2), np.float32) #changed the size of preallocated space for i in range(len(stats)): smask = np.zeros((Ly, Lx), np.uint16) ypix0, xpix0 = stats[i]["ypix"], stats[i]["xpix"] smask[ypix0, xpix0] = 1 ious = utils.mask_ious(masks, smask)[0] iou = ious.max() redstats[ i, ] = np.array([iou > 0.5, iou]) #this had the wrong dimension return redstats
[docs]def detect(ops, stats): mimg = ops["meanImg"].copy() mimg2 = ops["meanImg_chan2"].copy() # subtract bleedthrough of green into red channel # non-rigid regression with nblks x nblks pieces nblks = 3 Ly, Lx = ops["Ly"], ops["Lx"] ops["meanImg_chan2_corrected"] = correct_bleedthrough(Ly, Lx, nblks, mimg, mimg2) redstats = None if ops.get("anatomical_red", True): try: print(">>>> CELLPOSE estimating masks in anatomical channel") redstats = cellpose_overlap(stats, mimg2) except: print( "ERROR importing or running cellpose, continuing without anatomical estimates" ) if redstats is None: redstats = intensity_ratio(ops, stats) return ops, redstats