Source code for suite2p.extraction.dcnv

import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter1d, minimum_filter1d, gaussian_filter

[docs]@njit([ "float32[:], float32[:], float32[:], int64[:], float32[:], float32[:], float32, float32" ], cache=True) def oasis_trace(F, v, w, t, l, s, tau, fs): """ spike deconvolution on a single neuron """ NT = F.shape[0] g = -1. / (tau * fs) it = 0 ip = 0 while it < NT: v[ip], w[ip], t[ip], l[ip] = F[it], 1, it, 1 while ip > 0: if v[ip - 1] * np.exp(g * l[ip - 1]) > v[ip]: # violation of the constraint means merging pools f1 = np.exp(g * l[ip - 1]) f2 = np.exp(2 * g * l[ip - 1]) wnew = w[ip - 1] + w[ip] * f2 v[ip - 1] = (v[ip - 1] * w[ip - 1] + v[ip] * w[ip] * f1) / wnew w[ip - 1] = wnew l[ip - 1] = l[ip - 1] + l[ip] ip -= 1 else: break it += 1 ip += 1 s[t[1:ip]] = v[1:ip] - v[:ip - 1] * np.exp(g * l[:ip - 1])
[docs]@njit([ "float32[:,:], float32[:,:], float32[:,:], int64[:,:], float32[:,:], float32[:,:], float32, float32" ], parallel=True, cache=True) def oasis_matrix(F, v, w, t, l, s, tau, fs): """ spike deconvolution on many neurons parallelized with prange """ for n in prange(F.shape[0]): oasis_trace(F[n], v[n], w[n], t[n], l[n], s[n], tau, fs)
[docs]def oasis(F: np.ndarray, batch_size: int, tau: float, fs: float) -> np.ndarray: """ computes non-negative deconvolution no sparsity constraints Parameters ---------------- F : float, 2D array size [neurons x time], in pipeline uses neuropil-subtracted fluorescence batch_size : int number of frames processed per batch tau : float timescale of the sensor, used for the deconvolution kernel fs : float sampling rate per plane Returns ---------------- S : float, 2D array size [neurons x time], deconvolved fluorescence """ NN, NT = F.shape F = F.astype(np.float32) S = np.zeros((NN, NT), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(0, NN, batch_size): f = F[i:i + batch_size] v = np.zeros((f.shape[0], NT), dtype=np.float32) w = np.zeros((f.shape[0], NT), dtype=np.float32) t = np.zeros((f.shape[0], NT), dtype=np.int64) l = np.zeros((f.shape[0], NT), dtype=np.float32) s = np.zeros((f.shape[0], NT), dtype=np.float32) oasis_matrix(f, v, w, t, l, s, tau, fs) S[i:i + batch_size] = s return S
[docs]def preprocess(F: np.ndarray, baseline: str, win_baseline: float, sig_baseline: float, fs: float, prctile_baseline: float = 8) -> np.ndarray: """ preprocesses fluorescence traces for spike deconvolution baseline-subtraction with window "win_baseline" Parameters ---------------- F : float, 2D array size [neurons x time], in pipeline uses neuropil-subtracted fluorescence baseline : str setting that describes how to compute the baseline of each trace win_baseline : float window (in seconds) for max filter sig_baseline : float width of Gaussian filter in frames fs : float sampling rate per plane prctile_baseline : float percentile of trace to use as baseline if using `constant_prctile` for baseline Returns ---------------- F : float, 2D array size [neurons x time], baseline-corrected fluorescence """ win = int(win_baseline * fs) if baseline == "maximin": Flow = gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig_baseline]) Flow = minimum_filter1d(Flow, win) Flow = maximum_filter1d(Flow, win) elif baseline == "constant": Flow = gaussian_filter(F, [0., sig_baseline]) Flow = np.amin(Flow) elif baseline == "constant_prctile": Flow = np.percentile(F, prctile_baseline, axis=1) Flow = np.expand_dims(Flow, axis=1) else: Flow = 0. F = F - Flow return F