Source code for suite2p.extraction.masks

from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any
from itertools import count
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import percentile_filter

from ..detection.sparsedetect import extendROI
from .. import default_ops

[docs]def create_masks(stats: List[Dict[str, Any]], Ly, Lx, ops=default_ops()): """ create cell and neuropil masks """ cell_pix = create_cell_pix(stats, Ly=Ly, Lx=Lx, lam_percentile=ops.get("lam_percentile", 50.0)) cell_masks = [ create_cell_mask(stat, Ly=Ly, Lx=Lx, allow_overlap=ops["allow_overlap"]) for stat in stats ] if ops.get("neuropil_extract", True): neuropil_masks = create_neuropil_masks( ypixs=[stat["ypix"] for stat in stats], xpixs=[stat["xpix"] for stat in stats], cell_pix=cell_pix, inner_neuropil_radius=ops["inner_neuropil_radius"], min_neuropil_pixels=ops["min_neuropil_pixels"], circular=ops.get("circular_neuropil", False)) else: neuropil_masks = None return cell_masks, neuropil_masks
[docs]def create_cell_pix(stats: List[Dict[str, Any]], Ly: int, Lx: int, lam_percentile: float = 50.0) -> np.ndarray: """Returns Ly x Lx array of whether pixel contains a cell (1) or not (0). lam_percentile allows some pixels with low cell weights to be used, disable with lam_percentile=0.0 """ cell_pix = np.zeros((Ly, Lx)) lammap = np.zeros((Ly, Lx)) radii = np.zeros(len(stats)) for ni, stat in enumerate(stats): radii[ni] = stat["radius"] ypix = stat["ypix"] xpix = stat["xpix"] lam = stat["lam"] lammap[ypix, xpix] = np.maximum(lammap[ypix, xpix], lam) radius = np.median(radii) if lam_percentile > 0.0: filt = percentile_filter(lammap, percentile=lam_percentile, size=int(radius * 5)) cell_pix = ~np.logical_or(lammap < filt, lammap == 0) else: cell_pix = lammap > 0.0 return cell_pix
[docs]def create_cell_mask(stat: Dict[str, Any], Ly: int, Lx: int, allow_overlap: bool = False) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ creates cell masks for ROIs in stat and computes radii Parameters ---------- stat : dictionary "ypix", "xpix", "lam" Ly : y size of frame Lx : x size of frame allow_overlap : whether or not to include overlapping pixels in cell masks Returns ------- cell_masks : len ncells, each has tuple of pixels belonging to each cell and weights lam_normed """ mask = ... if allow_overlap else ~stat["overlap"] cell_mask = np.ravel_multi_index((stat["ypix"], stat["xpix"]), (Ly, Lx)) cell_mask = cell_mask[mask] lam = stat["lam"][mask] lam_normed = lam / lam.sum() if lam.size > 0 else np.empty(0) return cell_mask, lam_normed
[docs]def create_neuropil_masks(ypixs, xpixs, cell_pix, inner_neuropil_radius, min_neuropil_pixels, circular=False): """ creates surround neuropil masks for ROIs in stat by EXTENDING ROI (slower if circular) Parameters ---------- cellpix : 2D array 1 if ROI exists in pixel, 0 if not; pixels ignored for neuropil computation Returns ------- neuropil_masks : list each element is array of pixels in mask in (Ly*Lx) coordinates """ valid_pixels = lambda cell_pix, ypix, xpix: cell_pix[ypix, xpix] < .5 extend_by = 5 Ly, Lx = cell_pix.shape assert len(xpixs) == len(ypixs) neuropil_ipix = [] idx = 0 for ypix, xpix in zip(ypixs, xpixs): neuropil_mask = np.zeros((Ly, Lx), bool) # extend to get ring of dis-allowed pixels ypix, xpix = extendROI(ypix, xpix, Ly, Lx, niter=inner_neuropil_radius) nring = np.sum(valid_pixels(cell_pix, ypix, xpix)) # count how many pixels are valid nreps = count() ypix1, xpix1 = ypix.copy(), xpix.copy() while next(nreps) < 100 and np.sum(valid_pixels( cell_pix, ypix1, xpix1)) - nring <= min_neuropil_pixels: if circular: ypix1, xpix1 = extendROI(ypix1, xpix1, Ly, Lx, extend_by) # keep extending else: ypix1, xpix1 = np.meshgrid( np.arange(max(0, ypix1.min() - extend_by), min(Ly, ypix1.max() + extend_by + 1), 1, int), np.arange(max(0, xpix1.min() - extend_by), min(Lx, xpix1.max() + extend_by + 1), 1, int), indexing="ij") ix = valid_pixels(cell_pix, ypix1, xpix1) neuropil_mask[ypix1[ix], xpix1[ix]] = True neuropil_mask[ypix, xpix] = False neuropil_ipix.append(np.ravel_multi_index(np.nonzero(neuropil_mask), (Ly, Lx))) idx += 1 return neuropil_ipix